
You can find a list of my publications on my Google Scholar profile.

Find descriptions of my research works under Research.


Exploring quantum many-body systems from the viewpoints of quantum computing and spectroscopy (link)

PhD thesis, Jesus College, University of Oxford


A few talks can be found below, to be continued…

Quantum computing quantum Monte Carlo, Quantum Techniques in Machine Learning (QTML) 2023 (slides)

Ab initio Quantum Simulation of Strongly Correlated Materials with Quantum Embedding, Quantum Techniques in Machine Learning (QTML) 2023 (slides)

Tutorial for 2023 Summer School and Workshop held at the University of Nottingham, “New trends in quantum simulation and computation” (link)

Perturbative quantum simulation, TQC 2023 (video)

Simple and high-precision eigenstate property and eigenenergy estimation, Physics Seminar, University of Oxford (link)

Quantum simulation with hybrid tensor networks’, IOP Publishing Quantum 2020 Conference